• Race results posted on 21/07/2015

    Iain Harrison Elmore 7 18/07/2015 9th, 40.04 7 miles, road Peter Mills Elmore 7 18/07/2015 22nd, 42.47 7 miles, road Justin Macenhill Elmore 7 18/07/2015 55th, 46.00 7 miles, road Graeme Drysdale Elmore 7 18/07/2015 64th, 46.45 7 miles, road Chris Morton Elmore 7 18/07/2015 112th, 49.47 7 miles, road Paul Stanford Elmore 7 18/07/2015

  • Race results posted on 14/07/2015

    Richard Mernagh Wycombe half marathon 12/07/2015 1.56.02 position  237 Half marathon Well organised. Nice medal Ozgur Gulec Ranscombe Challenge 12/07/2015 11:03:37   1st 90 km 12 hrs challenge Mike Hinchliffe Sri Chinmoy Self Transcendance 5K 13/07/2015 24:24 Position 133 5K Flat Mike Stewart Surrey Badger Half 12/07/2015 11th, 1.31.19 Half marathon approx., multiterrain Cara Kayum Surrey

  • Race Results posted on 07/07/2015

    Sunjay Bhogal Foots Gray Meadows 10km (nr Sidcup) 04/07/2015 51:47   Pos 29/87 10km multi terrain Stephen Massey Self-Transcendence battersea 10k 04/07/2015 39:56  in 32 position 10K flat Battersea park Mike Hinchliffe Self Transcendance 10K 04/07/2015 55:30 95th 10K flat Battersea park Phil Coales Self Transcendance 10K 04/07/2015 39.01, 20th 10K flat Battersea park Cara Kayum

  • Owen Trophy updates now include Marathons

    Results and targets, now including marathons run during the period 01/12/2014 to 30/06/2015 are here : http://www.stridersofcroydon.org.uk/?page_id=3983

  • Owen Trophy updates including Half Marathons

    Results and targets have been updated and appear here : http://www.stridersofcroydon.org.uk/?page_id=3983 They include half marathons run since 01/12/2014, but exclude the Croydon Half Marathon which has its own section.  

  • Race Results posted on 30/06/2015

    Darren Wood Near As Dammit 25-Jun-15 42.51, 30th 10K approx., xc on Farthing Downs Chris Morton Near As Dammit 25-Jun-15 44.01, 38th 10K approx., xc on Farthing Downs Nigel Finch Near As Dammit 25-Jun-15 45.19, 43rd 10K approx., xc on Farthing Downs Becky Laurence Near As Dammit 25-Jun-15 48.03, 57th (3rdF) 10K approx., xc on

  • Road rankings as at 26th June 2015

    Latest road rankings can be found at : http://www.stridersofcroydon.org.uk/?page_id=2279

  • Owen Trophy update and latest Committee Minutes

    Updates to Owen Trophy after Richmond 10K are here : http://www.stridersofcroydon.org.uk/?page_id=3983 Latest committee minutes from 18th June are here : http://www.stridersofcroydon.org.uk/?page_id=3333  

  • Race Results posted on 23/06/2015

    James Bennett Dinosaur Relay 17-Jun-15 2nd fastest, 17.01 5K multiterrain in Crystal Palace park Velociraptor team, WINNERS ! Iain Harrison Dinosaur Relay 17-Jun-15 3rd, 17.17 5K multiterrain in Crystal Palace park Simone Luciani Dinosaur Relay 17-Jun-15 4th, 17.29 5K multiterrain in Crystal Palace park Ernie Hann Dinosaur Relay 17-Jun-15 7th, 17.48 5K multiterrain in Crystal

  • Race Results posted on 16/06/2015

    Graeme Drysdale Orpington High Elms 10K 14-Jun-15 20th, 44.30 10K approx., xc Andy Perks Orpington High Elms 10K 14-Jun-15 26th 44.58 10K approx., xc Chris Morton Orpington High Elms 10K 14-Jun-15 27th, 44.59 10K approx., xc Darren Woods Orpington High Elms 10K 14-Jun-15 43rd, 46.58 10K approx., xc Terence Buxton Orpington High Elms 10K 14-Jun-15