Sandilands cup update after 6 races
Latest scores and summary table here : The winner is likely to come from one of the current top 10 ….
Latest scores and summary table here : The winner is likely to come from one of the current top 10 ….
Josephine Thompson Surrey Ladies League xc 06/12/2014 27.08 16th in Div 2 (88th overall) 6K approx, XC Alice Ewen Surrey Ladies League xc 06/12/2014 27.29 21st (99th) 6K approx, XC Michelle Clarke Surrey Ladies League xc 06/12/2014 29.25 43rd (162nd) 6K approx, XC Becky Laurence Surrey Ladies League xc 06/12/2014 29.29 46th (165th) 6K approx,
Darren Woods Kingston 10K 30/11/2014 Time was 42:07. Finished 56th 10k Multi Terrain, Muddy in places Flat course. Was hard doing this after the beer and curry the previous night! Happy with my time regardless! James Bennett Kingston 10K 30/11/2014 34.47 3rd 10K Greg Williams Kingston 10K 30/11/2014 39.22 20th 10K Gemma Page Kingston 10K
Sunjay Bhogal Colworth Hare and Tortoise Marathon 23-Nov-13 04:36:59 Pos 20 out of 28 26.2 Miles – Muddy trail that was a tough one in very difficult conditions! Tony Ostrowski Phoenix riverside marathon 23-Nov-14 3.52.08 time position 22nd marathon / waterlogged trail location great weather horrendous Keith Simpson Istanbul Marathon 16-Nov-14 3:51:27 1163/3875 1052/3143 males
Nicole Woods Valencia Marathon 16/11/2014 04:14:04 Marathon, road Sunjay Bhogal Gosport Half Marathon 16/11/2014 01:46:42 13 miles Road Nick Kyritsis Path N\\\’ Downs Marathon 16/11/2014 3:37:33 Chip time (32nd place) Marathon- Road Well organised event, few nasty hills, out and back course Damian Macenhill Brighton 10K 16/11/2014 37.34 10K road Graeme Drysdale Brighton 10K 16/11/2014
Krzysztof Klidzia Beckenham Trail 10k 09/11/2014 38:26 1st place Trail/xc Sunjay Bhogal Beckenham – Charity Trail 10k 09/11/2014 57:35 pos 169 10k Trail Becky Laurence Beckenham 10K trail 09/11/2014 47:37 Pos 54 10K Trail Won the VW35 category – woohoo! Peter Laurence Beckenham 10K Trail 09/11/2014 48:08 Pos 62 10K trail Darren Woods Beckenham charity
James Bennett Dublin City Marathon 27/10/2014 2.48.29 marathon, road PB Martin Gourlay Great South Run 26/10/2014 pos:3655 time 1hr 23:56 10 mile road new course record by over 3 mins;missed PB by 29 secs Sunjay Bhogal Ealing Half Marathon 28-Sep-14 01:48:24 Half Marathon – Road Sunjay Bhogal Galway Bay Half Marathon 04-Oct-14 1:44:49 pos 256
Greg Williams London Triathlon Olympic Distance 03/08/2014 2:11:26 (86th out of around 4000) Olympic Distance Triathlon PB! Greg Williams Brett Ashford Triathlon 15/06/2014 1:11:19 (2nd out of 102) Sprint Triathlon Simon Pannell Civil Service Cross Country Championships Wed 15 October 2014 42:08 33rd position 10k Cross country Simon Pannell Surrey Masters Cross Country Championships Sat
Updates here Almost the final table, apart from any halfs or marathons completed between now and 1st December
Ivanka Brown Royal Parks Half Marathon 12-Oct-14 02:33:04 Half Marathon Andy Perks Clarendon Marathon 05/10/2014 32nd in 3.31.10 Marathon, multiterrain Tony Ostrowski Clarendon Marathon 05/10/2014 93rd 3.53.10 Marathon, multiterrain Simon Pannell Surrey Masters xc champs 18/10/2014 41.29 29th overall, 5th MV50 10k approx, xc David Hoben Surrey Masters xc champs 18/10/2014 35.35, 86th overall, 10th