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Published on 22/03/2013 and available here :
Here are the mobmatch results from our race against Blackheath & Bromley at the Lloyd Parkrun. The official parkrun results were used, so if you are not listed here either you didn’t have your parkrun barcode with you or you are not registered as a Strider in the parkrun database. Photos are here.
Tuesday 22nd January : Croydon Arena is closed So if you want to do a speed session I will try to set up something on the ‘flat field’ in Lloyd Park – i.e. running on snow, so wear shoes with some grip. Session is likely to be 8 (or 9 or 10) x 600m approx.
As of 15/01/13 – with only Southern Champs and final surrey League to come.
Club road rankings as at 1st December at : These are measured, certificated road races at 10K, 10 miles, Half marathon and marathon that you have done as a Strider since 1st September 2012. If I have missed anything let me know at
Last weekend : Sunjay Bhogal recorded 3.37.43 at the Luton Marathon Nick Kyritsis ran the ‘A20 Paths and Downs Marathon’ in 3.34.19 and the previous week he completed the Athens Marathon in 3.49.09. Robin Jamieson improved on his own MV65 10 mile record with 81.53 at the Epsom 10 While Krzysztof Klidzia moved to 29th
Results here :
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